
Nightdive system shock shirt
Nightdive system shock shirt

Nightdive system shock shirt

I guess it's the kind of game that takes a while to win people over. even though it actually came out in 1994. My gimmick for Super Adventures this year is that I'm playing games that have appeared on someone's top ten list and I found System Shock at #9 on PC Gamer's Top 100 from 1996. Seems like the player character is the guy in the sneaking suit on the right. I mean up to this point I assumed I'd be playing as the guy with the chunky metal headwear from the box cover, but that's apparently a Cyborg Elite Guard. It's a big gap in my important video game knowledge. Well okay maybe I put it on for five minutes once and got scared off by the controls, and I did play the demo of the remake, but this is something I'm mostly clueless about. This week on Super Adventures, I'm checking out the original System Shock, a game I've somehow never played.

Nightdive system shock shirt